Art Works Space is a network of independent Art Therapists based in Gloucestershire working with adults and children. We are highly trained and experienced therapists able to work with complex and deeply rooted psychological difficulties.

Art Therapy is a respected and effective psychological therapy with similarities to Counselling and Psychotherapy. It combines the therapeutic qualities of making art with the opportunity to explore your feelings with an experienced therapist who is skilled at understanding complex interpersonal relationships.

Many people find Art Therapy enormously beneficial and very effective at resolving long-term and deeply rooted difficulties. No skill or experience of making art is required in order to benefit.

Art Works Space, StroudIn particular, Art Therapy can help with Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Eating Disorders, Bereavement, and challenging life events.

Long-term work can help people explore their early childhood experiences in depth, and gain an understanding of how these experiences and key relationships have impacted upon their adult behaviour and life-style choices. This can be a lengthy process and life enhancing experience.

Short-term work can be focused to help people understand how significant life events have shaped their behaviour and life-style choices, enabling them to move forward with confidence.

Individual and group therapy can be offered. Art Therapy groups can be focused or offer a gentle space in which to explore one’s creativity and self-understanding.

Deborah Ford is the lead Art Therapist within Art Works Space specialising in working with adults who have experienced abuse and early childhood trauma.

Please e-mail or call 01453 835684 to speak to Deborah Ford.

Please see Art Works Space for our contact details.

For more information about Art Therapy in general please see www.baat.orgThe British Association of Art Therapists.